
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My Peom

 I AM antonio

I am Samoan

I wonder if  I  can become strong in my own way

I  hear people crying beside me

I see a lot of people going through a lot of pain

I want to be a hard worker

I am Samoan

I pretend I am happy but the inside I am not

I feel every pain when one of my family dies

I touch myself to be more happier

I worry when someone is going through a lot of pain

I cry when I'm lonely

I am Samoan

I understand how somebody feels when they cry

I say to my parents I love them

I dream for a better day

I try to do my best in every day

I hope i make the right decisions in the future

I am samoan

1 comment:

  1. Very good writing Antonio it's lovely way to express how you feel in your
    poem. Tino Pai! :)
