
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My Peom

 I AM antonio

I am Samoan

I wonder if  I  can become strong in my own way

I  hear people crying beside me

I see a lot of people going through a lot of pain

I want to be a hard worker

I am Samoan

I pretend I am happy but the inside I am not

I feel every pain when one of my family dies

I touch myself to be more happier

I worry when someone is going through a lot of pain

I cry when I'm lonely

I am Samoan

I understand how somebody feels when they cry

I say to my parents I love them

I dream for a better day

I try to do my best in every day

I hope i make the right decisions in the future

I am samoan

Friday, August 13, 2021

My Paepeha >_<.

 My Pepeha

Ko Taurere te mauga

Ko Manon te awa.

Ko Pasifika ocean te moana

Ko Samoa to iwi

Ko Glen Taylor taku kura

Ko Vita taku papa

Ko Gena taku mama

Ko Antonio taku ingoa

No reira

Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou Katoa

So you see this is my paepeha that i did with my class when we were doing our assembly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

museum trip.

 museum trip.

On the museum trip, we had a lot of fun because we went boating and even exploring the whole museum and we even learned about the Waka and learned important thing to like the 3 thousand years Maori went to New Zealand and explored the whole country.

what we did

We took photos and exploring the museum running around doing silly staff learned about the Waka build a boat and even talk about the nation and the world we're living in right now

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

my special thing that i needed for life

 In my day in level 3 lockdown and my teacher, my classmates and I decided to see what is the special items that we can't live without. With so I choose my special items as my family because they are that one thing you just need in times like this, also because they are like your comforter always checking on you and caring. And that's why in my opinion that's what I can't live without. Of that note, I would like to say by.